He went back to his native place, taking his family along with him. 他挈眷返回故里。
On the great highway looking back to the east, far far from his native place,| with his sleeves an old man wiped the tears trickling down his face. 故园东望路漫漫,双袖龙钟泪不干。(岑参《逢入京使》)
Where is your native place? 你的籍贯是哪里?
My native place is Henan Nanyang, I am on Henan Luo river learn, go to work in the hospital of Luo river now. 我老家是河南南阳的,我是在河南漯河上的学,现在在漯河的医院上班。
These native place culture resources also have the bright characteristic, simultaneously in the protection, the development and the use also has some problems. 这些本土文化资源也有着鲜明的特点,同时在保护、开发和利用中也存在着一些问题。
I have left my native place a long time ago, and have been living in the skyless city. 很久以前我们就离开了家乡的土地,很久以前我们就生活在城市狭窄的天空底下。
We have mild weather in my native place. 我的故乡气候温和。
My native place has population of more than one thousand people, of whom the majority are farmers and some are merchants and labourers, all being diligent and thrifty. 我的故乡有一千多人,其中大多数是农民,有少数的是商人和其他劳动者,他们都比较勤劳和节俭。
Do you know what "native place"-one of items of a Chinese form-mean? Hong Ying, who comes from Guangdong, is known as the oldest person in China. 在中国人填写的表格中,有一项是籍贯,你知道是什么意思吗?籍贯广东的洪英(译音)是大陆众所周知最长寿的老人。
In the autumn of 1911, we returned from Yantai of Shandong Province to our native place Fuzhou. The agalmatolite of Fuzhou is one of "the most famous four seals". 一九&一年秋,我们从山东烟台回到福州老家去。福州的寿山石,我国传统的四大印章之一。
The Korean people live worse than beasts of burden under the cruel colonial rule of japan's imperialism, helpless large quantities of Korean people leave one's native place, come to the northeastern alien land of this foreign country of china. 朝鲜人民在日帝的残酷殖民统治下,过着牛马不如的生活,无奈大批朝鲜人民离乡背井,来到中国东北这个异国他乡。
You know, leave my native place* and then encountered invidious thing 要知道,离开了我的家乡并且然后遇上一些令人愤怒的事情
In the autumn of1911, we returned from Yantai of Shandong Province to our native place Fuzhou. 一九一一年秋,我们从山东烟台回到福州老家去。
Left their native place and resettled in Guangrao County, Shandong Province. 举家迁离了他们的故乡忠县,来到了山东,在广饶县定居下来。
They, come from internationally, domestic4A Corporation, as well as native place famous plan company. 他们,均来自于国际、国内4A公司,以及本土著名策划公司。
When I, who had never loved my native place that much, think of all this, I feel that it is truly lovable after all. The Song for the Hometown People; 向来不恋故乡的我,想到这里,觉得故乡可爱极了。
He journeyed far from his native place. 他远离本乡去旅行。
Do you know what "native place"-one of items of a Chinese form-mean? 在中国人填写的表格中,有一项是“籍贯”,你知道是什么意思吗?
Soccer atmosphere very thick city, my native place shenyang. 足球氛围很浓的城市,我老家沈阳的。
The sight of her native place called back her childhood. 见到自己的故乡,她想起了童年的情景。
C:( My native place) is Beijing. C:我的籍贯是北京市。
The game is introduced: Here is little duck's Tang Na lovely native place. 游戏介绍:这里是小鸭子唐纳可爱的老家。
Why was he forced to leave native place according to the passage? 根据文章,他为什么被迫离开故土?
Why was he forced to leave native place according to the passage? No one knows for certain. 为什么他被迫离开故里据袭?没有人知道确切的答案。
He dared to disclose illegal activities in his native place. 他敢于揭露当地的非法活动。
Each person all ardently loves their homeland, then, why must each of you "leave your own native place to earn a livelihood elsewhere" and come to Beijing to live? 家乡,故土一个某人出生或长期生活的地方,比如一个国家或城市每个人都热爱故土,那么,诸位为什么要背井离乡来北京生活呢?
And yet is it simply for the sake of loving one's native place? 但是仅仅为了爱故乡么?
I think pandas are quite smart to choose Sichuan as their native place. 我认为大熊猫非常机灵,选择了四川作为它们的故乡。
The South Korean soap opera the huge success which obtained in China gives Hunan the native place soap opera industry to give a medicinal preparation strong heart injection without doubt. 韩国电视剧在中国取得的巨大成功无疑给湖南本土电视剧产业打了一剂强心针。
Thank family and friend to support mine energetically, I love you, I love my native place! 感谢家人和朋友对我的大力支持,我爱你们,我爱我的家乡!